The Weblog of Breaking Parity

Archive for May 2008

Have you heard what Sharon Stone had to say about the recent earthquake in China?

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If not yet, you are most welcomed to read this post on the blog of the New Voice. I personally do not care what she said at all, but this story is a perfect example demonstrating the typical mindset of a certain group of people, who usually enjoy absurdly too much influential power while compared to their educational/intelligence level. Those include some of the Hollywood stars such as Richard Gere and this woman, Dalai Lama, and FLG people. I bet Miss Stone followed her utterly strong basic instinct and spoke out what Mr. Lama had fought so badly against himself recently from spitting off as well. In Chinese, we say: “matter is grouped together by its quality, and so are the people!

Written by chiralanomaly

May 25, 2008 at 6:02 pm

Posted in Politics

Shanghai, Renmin Square

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tens of thousands of people gathered together mourning the death and supporting Sichuan province.

Written by chiralanomaly

May 20, 2008 at 1:11 am

Posted in Uncategorized

On the other side of the world, some were trying to celebrate

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In New York, a group of Falun Gong activists gathered in Flushing to celebrate the hit on China according to this post, and these video clips: clip 1, clip 2, (both Chinese only) from a Chinese language news program in New York area. Although, some argued that they were not actually “celebrating” but only speaking for their opinions on “why” there were disasters (surely it was due to communism, what else?). Whatever it was, they clearly have overdone it and angered a huge crowed of Chinese immigrants, who booed at them right across the street.

Falun Gong is a semi-religious organization initially consisted of naive, innocent minded and religion hungry people. After it was pronounced a cult and banned in China, they moved their headquarters to the west, and have enjoyed continuous funding from those organizations such as NED, a proxy of CIA. Almost overnight, they converted themselves to professional full-time anti-CCP activists. Funded by the “pro-human rights” groups, the main functionality of Falun Gong, however, has never been to promote human rights condition or religious freedom in China, simply because the public sympathy they receive among all the Chinese, in China or abroad, has always been minimal, if not zero, and it’s obvious to every Chinese that there simply is no hope for them of gaining any momentum. The very presence of such a cult is solely for the anti-China groups in the west to have materials, most fabricated, to sell to their own people, the westerners, in order to strengthen the misunderstanding between the two sides of the world and to maintain the validity of their distorted view on China.

Falun Gong fights against the Chinese government under the name of “religious freedom”. So why don’t we listen to what their religion speaks for? According to their theory, any natural disaster that happens in China is due to the “heavenly will” of destroying CCP. Therefore, whoever that chooses to standby the government is endangering himself to such “penalties” coming down from the heaven, and if he does endure any, he well deserves it. Based on such a theory, they keep up the good work of threatening every Chinese to cease supporting CCP immediately on the basis of “seeking self protections” (quoting their own language), while being waged by the tax dollars of western countries such as US and Canada.

That is why, in the face of the recent deadly earthquake in Sichuan, this group of people once again found “evidence” to the teachings of their “religion” and decided to raise high their banner with ever stronger confidence, which says “Heaven kills CCP!”

Written by chiralanomaly

May 19, 2008 at 6:38 pm

Posted in Politics

Millions of Chinese mourned the death

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On May 19, 2:28 pm, millions of Chiense all over the country as well as overseas observed three minutes silence paying tribute to the victims in the recent earthquake in Sichuan, and began the three-day mourning. All public entertaining activities are suspended in the same time. The death toll of the disaster has risen above 30,000. 

On Tianmen Square, after the three-minute silence, tens of thousands of people were unwilling to leave. Gathered on the square, they voluntarily burst into a long lasting chant of “China, Stronger, Sichuan, Stronger, Wenchuan Stronger”, showing the determination of all the Chinese to stay united and stand strong in the face of this devastating disaster.

Same was seen in Chengdu, Sichuan.

Wenchuan, Sichuan




Written by chiralanomaly

May 19, 2008 at 5:21 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

“The reason we are all so moved to tears …

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is that we all so deeply love this land and the people living here know to take care of each other”, says the man, and so does everyone of us.

Written by chiralanomaly

May 14, 2008 at 2:56 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

The aftermath of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan is heartbreaking

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The rescuing is at work in every second, but the difficulty is tremendous. The major challenge is to getting both the personnel and power tools to the remote area in the greatest need at this moment. The roads are often cracked or blocked, and the most devastatingly destroyed counties are scattered and hidden deep in the mountains. The death toll has risen above 14,000 right now, and still at least 10,000 are being buried under the ruins, hopefully waiting for the rescuers. The government is certainly utilizing all the resources available to speed up the rescuing, and every individual Chinese and sympathizing people around the world is contributing through all sorts of channels. The donation website of the Red Cross Society of China has been jammed by the overwhelming traffic for days and remains difficult to reach. Despite all the sadness and difficulties, I stay confident, especially observing our national fellows reacting in such a calm, steady and heartwarming manner in the face of the disaster,  that Sichuan province will pull it through the disaster and stand up stronger and more modernized in the near future.


Written by chiralanomaly

May 14, 2008 at 1:02 pm

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Devastating earthquake in central China

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Let’s all pray for the victims and wish all the survivors the best. Please, everyone is encouraged to donate at the Red Cross Society of China. It’s a bit painful to go through, but with some patience, it will.

The earthquake of magnitude 7.8 caused above 12,000 death in the central-southwest part of China

Residents of Chengdu City waiting in line for blood donation

Hospitals were forced to take women who just happened to be in delivery outdoors for safety. People voluntarily stood in circle to provide protections. New born babies were taken outside for their safety as well. I have no doubt that they will grow strong.

Written by chiralanomaly

May 12, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Just discovered another web blog worth reading

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I’ve just discovered this web blog: The China Vortex, “authored by Paul Denlinger, who has worked in marketing/advertising and the Internet space in greater China for nearly 20 years”. 

Written by chiralanomaly

May 12, 2008 at 4:59 pm

Posted in Politics

Hong Kong citizens enjoyed their best day

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Hong Kong people have never been more beautiful, and we, all the Chinese, have never felt closer. It is such a comforting feeling to see our Hong Kong brothers and sisters, having endured 150 years of colonial rule by the British, have never forgot their true identities as Chinese. Thank you, Hong Kong!

I personally loves the following picture the best: some protesters enjoyed being booed by hundreds of Hong Kong residents. The guy complained that Hong Kong was a open society and different voices should be heard. Sure, we heard you. But people are free to boo you as well.

Check this YouTube clip as well. 

Written by chiralanomaly

May 3, 2008 at 1:00 am

Posted in Politics

Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened to the public today

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The bridge is more than 36 km long, the second longest bridge and the longest sea crossing bridge in the world, connecting Shanghai and Ningbo, across the Hangzhou Bay at the East China Sea. The construction took about four years to complete and the cost was $1.5 billion. Keep in mind that this is also a “made in China”.




The last two pictures are the scenery observation dock and the planned structures.

Written by chiralanomaly

May 1, 2008 at 9:20 pm

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Since we are talking about media distortions

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UPDATE: I find that this post published on the Spiked: Challenging China-bashing is much more scientific, detailed and convincing on the relevant issue, and you are strongly urged to check it out.

Media distortion when it comes to Chinese issues didn’t start after the recent outbreak of the Tibet issue. As I mentioned, Chinese overseas reach their conviction that western media is not much better than their counterpart in China through years and decades living experience in the west. Most who have lived in the west for less than 3 years are usually more pro-west. They are still in the period of being impressed by the freedom the western media enjoy, and about to enter the phase when they realize that invisible hands are behind the stage.

Take the Chinese toy scandal we observed not so long ago for instance. All of sudden, the topic was among the headlines of almost all American major news media. You watched them talking about China poisoning the west for hours and hours everyday, read all sorts of elaborated articles, and heard all kinds of self-justified proposals of refusing all Chinese products. “Experts” of all sorts stepped onto the stage joining the chorus bashing China and making stimulating statements.

There, you heard how many millions of toys made in China were recalled last year. Quite a scary number! Here is the one serious flaw however. What is the total number of all toys made in China during the same time? Because, without this vital piece of information, “millions”, huge numbers as they are, contain zero information. Try it and you won’t find this second number in any major news media, including CNN.

You realize why if you read Chinese forums. It was claimed there that the recall rate, the relative ratio between the amounts of the toys recalled and manufactured, was just about the industrial average. Nothing impressive. Guess why those “experts”, showing off their sincere and caring faces on CNN and the kind, didn’t think of it a news-worthy number, and therefore very conveniently ignored it? Read the rest of this entry »

Written by chiralanomaly

May 1, 2008 at 1:18 pm

Posted in Politics

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