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Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

How should Paris look like

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Since I have suggested France invite more Tibetans-in-exile to Paris to promote the spiritual level of the city, some of the French people might have been thinking that it’s not a bad idea. Therefore I’d like to show them some pictures of the “free spiritual” Dharamsala, where the “government” of the “Tibetans-in-exile” resides, so that they can start planning Paris in a similar fashion to make it more welcoming.

I’m sure French people would prefer the style of the free Dharamsala like that:

as apposed to the “repressive” Lhasa, China, like that:

Well then, it’s looking that it won’t be too “expensive” to create a Little Dharamsala in Paris. Except, of course, you always have to afford a much more luxurious place for the leader:

But no worry, as this can be sponsored by Reporters Without Borders!

Written by chiralanomaly

June 18, 2008 at 1:05 pm

French knows how to save face

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I haven’t found any urge of writing recently until I stopped by the following news: “France seeks explanation from China over alleged travel boycott” a few days ago. Apparently there is a travel boycott in Beijing, and the France was seeking explanation, as if there were any need of it.

It caught my attention for the way the French foreign ministry behaved. His words “we must absoultely get some explanation” revealed his intelligence level, which is, of course, very low. Is there really any need of “more explanation”, Mister? As if you were not a living person just a few months ago, when tens of thousands of French people gathered in Paris so happily humiliating China? Didn’t you guys hail it as a “victory for human rights and democracy”? How can you forget your golrourious victory so easily? Well, the Chinese don’t. It’s just amazing that, these days in the west, leaders of a country are well tolerated by the public to behave as a moron, as long as they hail the “principle value”. Ignorance becomes the virtue of politicians. Take that Merkel said the recent food price surge was due to Chinese drinking too much milk for another example.

Besides, the French logic seemed twisted as well. Since they all hate Chinese so much, I thought it would only make them happier that fewer Chinese were showing up at their places of pride. Why not just invite more Tibetans-in-exile instead? After all, they just offered Dalai the honorary citizenship of Paris. There are roughly 80,000 more “Tibetans” in India. Invite them all, and that should be about enough to fill in the gap created by the missing Chinese tourists. “Tibetans” are much “better” people, aren’t they? They are very “spiritual”. Welcome them all to Paris, and more, let them all settle there and have their own spiritual wonderland state in France. That would be a happy end for everyone, I suppose, except if “spirit” isn’t what French desire the most and what they really care for is something else that we all know what it is.

And then, something even funnier emerged today, it is said that: “Chinese foreign minister will look into French request to end a boycott“, as if I am seeing some French diplomatic power here. Let’s take a more careful look, shall we?

“The (Chinese) minister showed me his willingness to accept our request,” said Alain Joyandet, junior minister in the French foreign ministry. Interesting, and exactly how the Chinese minister Yang Jiechi showed his willingness? Joyandet said that during the meeting with Yang he asked the Chinese minister to “lift the dispositions of the mayor of Beijing which are a violation of the intergovernmental agreement between China and the EU”, and the response was: “He (Yang) said that our ambassador (to Beijing Herve Ladsous) had met the head of the office for tourism in Beijing and they had a frank, very important discussion and that he would continue on the same path.”

So that was interpreted by he French as the Chinese “showing willingness to reconsider”. You know, in the past, I was often sickened by the communist face-saving propaganda, reinterpreting any western criticism into something “positive”. That was really stupid. But now I know it’s hardly communists’ invention and something smells quite similar here. Obviously, someone is so desperately looking for a step down.

I have yet to find out what’s been said in the “frank and very important discussion” between the Chinese official and the French ambassador. But we do know that “an official from the Beijing tourism agency told AFP that no such order (boycotting) had been given and that it had ‘simply reminded Chinese tourists to be careful about their security.'”

After seeing the woman in the wheel chair being attacked publicly in Paris, city council members surrounded by fanatic mobs crying out “shame on China”, and the impotent French police being hardly capable of controlling anything, I find such a warning very well justified. Who would want to travel to a place where the concept of civil order or even civilization is so vague? What kind of an irresponsible government is that if such a must-have warning is not given to its people?

In any case, the truth is what the French foreign ministry fears the most, which they are deadly determined to ignore. The call for boycotting the French tour had been spreading over the internet for a long time and was well supported by the large majority of Chinese netizens. If there was indeed an order made by the government, the government was simply answering the call from the people. Those who so loved to improve the human rights in China should have joyed in such a movement because what we have seen here is precisely a great “victory for democracy”!

Written by chiralanomaly

June 11, 2008 at 10:32 pm

Have you heard what Sharon Stone had to say about the recent earthquake in China?

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If not yet, you are most welcomed to read this post on the blog of the New Voice. I personally do not care what she said at all, but this story is a perfect example demonstrating the typical mindset of a certain group of people, who usually enjoy absurdly too much influential power while compared to their educational/intelligence level. Those include some of the Hollywood stars such as Richard Gere and this woman, Dalai Lama, and FLG people. I bet Miss Stone followed her utterly strong basic instinct and spoke out what Mr. Lama had fought so badly against himself recently from spitting off as well. In Chinese, we say: “matter is grouped together by its quality, and so are the people!

Written by chiralanomaly

May 25, 2008 at 6:02 pm

Posted in Politics

On the other side of the world, some were trying to celebrate

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In New York, a group of Falun Gong activists gathered in Flushing to celebrate the hit on China according to this post, and these video clips: clip 1, clip 2, (both Chinese only) from a Chinese language news program in New York area. Although, some argued that they were not actually “celebrating” but only speaking for their opinions on “why” there were disasters (surely it was due to communism, what else?). Whatever it was, they clearly have overdone it and angered a huge crowed of Chinese immigrants, who booed at them right across the street.

Falun Gong is a semi-religious organization initially consisted of naive, innocent minded and religion hungry people. After it was pronounced a cult and banned in China, they moved their headquarters to the west, and have enjoyed continuous funding from those organizations such as NED, a proxy of CIA. Almost overnight, they converted themselves to professional full-time anti-CCP activists. Funded by the “pro-human rights” groups, the main functionality of Falun Gong, however, has never been to promote human rights condition or religious freedom in China, simply because the public sympathy they receive among all the Chinese, in China or abroad, has always been minimal, if not zero, and it’s obvious to every Chinese that there simply is no hope for them of gaining any momentum. The very presence of such a cult is solely for the anti-China groups in the west to have materials, most fabricated, to sell to their own people, the westerners, in order to strengthen the misunderstanding between the two sides of the world and to maintain the validity of their distorted view on China.

Falun Gong fights against the Chinese government under the name of “religious freedom”. So why don’t we listen to what their religion speaks for? According to their theory, any natural disaster that happens in China is due to the “heavenly will” of destroying CCP. Therefore, whoever that chooses to standby the government is endangering himself to such “penalties” coming down from the heaven, and if he does endure any, he well deserves it. Based on such a theory, they keep up the good work of threatening every Chinese to cease supporting CCP immediately on the basis of “seeking self protections” (quoting their own language), while being waged by the tax dollars of western countries such as US and Canada.

That is why, in the face of the recent deadly earthquake in Sichuan, this group of people once again found “evidence” to the teachings of their “religion” and decided to raise high their banner with ever stronger confidence, which says “Heaven kills CCP!”

Written by chiralanomaly

May 19, 2008 at 6:38 pm

Posted in Politics

Just discovered another web blog worth reading

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I’ve just discovered this web blog: The China Vortex, “authored by Paul Denlinger, who has worked in marketing/advertising and the Internet space in greater China for nearly 20 years”. 

Written by chiralanomaly

May 12, 2008 at 4:59 pm

Posted in Politics

Hong Kong citizens enjoyed their best day

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Hong Kong people have never been more beautiful, and we, all the Chinese, have never felt closer. It is such a comforting feeling to see our Hong Kong brothers and sisters, having endured 150 years of colonial rule by the British, have never forgot their true identities as Chinese. Thank you, Hong Kong!

I personally loves the following picture the best: some protesters enjoyed being booed by hundreds of Hong Kong residents. The guy complained that Hong Kong was a open society and different voices should be heard. Sure, we heard you. But people are free to boo you as well.

Check this YouTube clip as well. 

Written by chiralanomaly

May 3, 2008 at 1:00 am

Posted in Politics

Since we are talking about media distortions

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UPDATE: I find that this post published on the Spiked: Challenging China-bashing is much more scientific, detailed and convincing on the relevant issue, and you are strongly urged to check it out.

Media distortion when it comes to Chinese issues didn’t start after the recent outbreak of the Tibet issue. As I mentioned, Chinese overseas reach their conviction that western media is not much better than their counterpart in China through years and decades living experience in the west. Most who have lived in the west for less than 3 years are usually more pro-west. They are still in the period of being impressed by the freedom the western media enjoy, and about to enter the phase when they realize that invisible hands are behind the stage.

Take the Chinese toy scandal we observed not so long ago for instance. All of sudden, the topic was among the headlines of almost all American major news media. You watched them talking about China poisoning the west for hours and hours everyday, read all sorts of elaborated articles, and heard all kinds of self-justified proposals of refusing all Chinese products. “Experts” of all sorts stepped onto the stage joining the chorus bashing China and making stimulating statements.

There, you heard how many millions of toys made in China were recalled last year. Quite a scary number! Here is the one serious flaw however. What is the total number of all toys made in China during the same time? Because, without this vital piece of information, “millions”, huge numbers as they are, contain zero information. Try it and you won’t find this second number in any major news media, including CNN.

You realize why if you read Chinese forums. It was claimed there that the recall rate, the relative ratio between the amounts of the toys recalled and manufactured, was just about the industrial average. Nothing impressive. Guess why those “experts”, showing off their sincere and caring faces on CNN and the kind, didn’t think of it a news-worthy number, and therefore very conveniently ignored it? Read the rest of this entry »

Written by chiralanomaly

May 1, 2008 at 1:18 pm

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China’s view of Tibet

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From the blog of the New Voice, I was let to this article: China’s View of Tibet by Kishore Mahbubani — dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. Let me quote a small part:

… the Chinese recall that the latest efforts to separate Tibet from China came as recently as the 1940s and 1950s, when British and U.S. agents were seen to be encouraging Tibetan independence while the new People’s Republic was still weak. The Chinese also have powerful memories of Britain’s central role in the notorious opium trade of the 18th and 19th centuries, when European trading companies sold the drug to smugglers, then used the ill-gotten gold to buy silk, tea and porcelain.

The related Opium Wars, during which Hong Kong was seized by Britain, are a distant memory in Western minds but remain in the forefront of the Chinese psyche. When the West is seen to be trying to detach Chinese territory again, it rubs salt into this still-fresh wound. Virtually no Chinese believe that Western governments have a strictly moral interest in Tibet. …

Written by chiralanomaly

April 30, 2008 at 4:48 pm

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Dalie (Dalai) Lama welcomed by protesters again, but wait, are they not Chinese?

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Dalai Lama spoke at Colgate University today. The topic was the “art of happiness”. Indoors there might have been a couple happy hours, the reality outside however was quite the opposite. Once again, Mr. Lama was accused of lying, by a group of angry people numbered around 500. This time, however, only around 50 where pro-China protesters, and the rest of them, mostly westerners, were there demanding religious freedom from this man, supposedly the very master of the subject.

Those are the members of the Western Shugden Society. Dorje Shugden is one of the many gods in the traditional Tibetan Buddhism. I can give you a longer story on this one when I get a chance to, but the short version is that Mr. Lama suddenly, in the 1990’s, probably out of a dream as usual, believed that Dorje Shugden was an evil god, which was “harmful” to both the Tibet independence movement and his own heath. In fact, it’s claimed that the god is pro-China. The practice of worshiping Dorje Shugden was thereafter banned by the Tibetan government in exile. Whoever refuse to abandon the god are hashly suppressed. Specially if they are Tibetans, their lives can be pretty miserable. I posted a video link on this subject made by the Swiss Public Television on YouTube and you are all encouraged to watch it. At this very same time Mr. Lama is selling “peaceful” hours around the world, he is being sued in India for religious suppression. We are more than interested to watch how this case develops in such an ironical world.

Update: This post:”Is the Dalai Lama a ‘religious dictator’?” on Challenging China-bashing provides a lot more details and references on this issue.

If you google this event, on most websites, if the protesters ever mentioned, the number would be over 100. If you read Chinese forums however, it’s 500. So, who is to believe? Simple. Let’s see, on 4/13, there was a big crowd of pro-China protesters in front of the Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Just by personal witness and the official counting released by the organizers, the number is easily above 10,000, probably approaching, 20,000. But if you read CBC and the kind, you find it was 3000. So, there’s quite a consistency here.

Written by chiralanomaly

April 24, 2008 at 5:27 pm

Who gets to say about the future of China?

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I think the following diagram from Wikipedia says it all.

What have the “human rights” fighters in the west, particularly those originally from China, done in the same time?

Written by chiralanomaly

April 22, 2008 at 12:54 pm

Posted in Politics

This is always my favorite

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Spring, 2008, what a beautiful season! Thanks to all my deer fellow nationals.

Written by chiralanomaly

April 21, 2008 at 11:06 pm

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Another interview of Mr. Jean-Luc Melenchon

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He said some very sharp words about the anti-Chinese protests in Paris on this interview.

I want to add that Britain attempted twice to occupy Tibet by military force and both failed. They then altered the strategy and started building a “friendly” relationship with Dalai Lama, and subsequently persuaded him to seek independence from China. This way, they hoped they could effectively grab the control of the region. In short, they attempted robbery first and when they failed, they stole. This was the seed of the entire Tibet problem. Tell me it’s not hypocrisy that now they want to “solve” the very problem they created under the name of “human rights”!

The video clip has been added into the this post. Many thanks to powertalks for the link.

Written by chiralanomaly

April 17, 2008 at 11:25 am

Posted in Politics