The Weblog of Breaking Parity

Posts Tagged ‘Dharamsala

How should Paris look like

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Since I have suggested France invite more Tibetans-in-exile to Paris to promote the spiritual level of the city, some of the French people might have been thinking that it’s not a bad idea. Therefore I’d like to show them some pictures of the “free spiritual” Dharamsala, where the “government” of the “Tibetans-in-exile” resides, so that they can start planning Paris in a similar fashion to make it more welcoming.

I’m sure French people would prefer the style of the free Dharamsala like that:

as apposed to the “repressive” Lhasa, China, like that:

Well then, it’s looking that it won’t be too “expensive” to create a Little Dharamsala in Paris. Except, of course, you always have to afford a much more luxurious place for the leader:

But no worry, as this can be sponsored by Reporters Without Borders!

Written by chiralanomaly

June 18, 2008 at 1:05 pm